Arles you kidding me?

Jamie Beck saved me during covid when I was stripped of all nature. I was so relieved to discover her art during the two month quarantine in Paris when I was forced to close L’Arrosoir and stay locked up in my 5th floor apartment. I loved watching her create using insects, antique vases, and glorious wild flowers.

I decided to take a train to Arles last September and I saw the cutest little blonde girl with flower boots and ice cream dripping down her face. Eloise! I looked up and happily saw Jamie standing beside her. I invited their family to come visit the flower shop, and a week later they were there. It was like a dream seeing Jamie, Eloise, and Kevin walk into the shop that Saturday.

Being the generous and talented photographer that she is, Jamie and offered to take a few photos of me. She left the shop with a giant bouquet of blue thistles, clematites, oxypetalum, and hortensias.

A few months ago Jamie reached out in need of roses. She was creating the Rose Month Gallery Exhibition, which is a collection of 17 photographs of roses from all over France. She sells her fine art prints, phone cases, and other magical products on her website. I am so happy to know Jamie and so grateful to Arles for bringing us together.


Montmartre Wedding


L 'arrosoir à travers les années